Monday, May 25, 2009

Podcast 19: The Return of Jared

We're glad to welcome both Aaron and Jared back to the Podcast to help us kick off Season 04. We played another game of "Stump Jared", and had some great discussion about the impact of technology on the quality of life.

This podcast covers episodes 1-4 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 4.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    New listener Lydia
    TW5 - The Most Educational Podcast on the Internet
    Stump Jared
    Are things getting too convenient?
    Joey hates Jon Madsen's rating scale
    Children on Enterprise - reprise
    Parents turning a blind eye
    Brent Spiner rocks the house as an actor
    Violence is just like XML
    Reclaiming a "Lost" child. Joey mentions the book The Deep End of the Ocean.

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show:
Best of Both Worlds II: 29min 43sec
Joey: SciFi - 6 Television - 5
Peter: SciFi - 5 Television - 6
Aaron: SciFi - 6 Television - 4

Family: 56min 45sec
Joey: SciFi - 3 Television - 7.5
Peter: SciFi - 4 Television - 7
Aaron: SciFi - 2 Television - 8
Jared: SciFi - 2 Television - 7

Brothers: 36min 57sec
Joey: SciFi - 8 Television - 5
Peter: SciFi - 7 Television - 5
Aaron: SciFi - 7.5 Television - 4.5

Suddenly Human: 24min 21sec
Joey: SciFi - 3 Television - 6
Peter: SciFi - 2 Television - 4
Aaron: SciFi - 2 Television - 2

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at

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