Monday, August 24, 2020

TrekWest5 (Coronavirus Edition) #1: Welcome, everything is fine!

Well, the long drought is finally over. TrekWest5 has returned, and Peter and I are discussing "The Good Place!"

However, due to COVID-19, the podcast takes place over Zoom rather than in person - so no fancy microphones, audio quality is sub-par, and we didn't really do any edits - but we hope you guys all enjoy the return regardless!

I'm not going to try and capture the rating we gave for the episodes in TrekWest5 (Coronavirus Edition) #1: Welcome, everything is fine!

This podcast covers episodes 1-4 of The Good Place, Season 1.
Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    What has happened to Peter and Joey since the last podcast
    Joey's Culture Corner: Defending Your Life
    How has the pandemic affected Joey and Peter?
    The Netflix Voltron - Possible content for a future podcast
    Joey's adventures trying to introduce The Good Place to his wife and children
    Why Peter's wife isn't watching The Good Place with us
    Music Intro: Oh, The Places You'll Go by I Fight Dragons

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If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5 (Gosh, I sure hope Peter is still watching that one...), or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.

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