Monday, January 24, 2011

Podcast 89: Peter Impersonates Flamingo

  There is a good chance that we horribly offended a few of our listeners this week. And for that we apologize. The intern was able to join us this week despite not having watched the episodes, so it was probably his fault. This podcast covers episodes 1-4 of The West Wing, Season 7.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    Listener Si is descended from traitors
    Joey's Culture Corner: The Time Traveler's Wife, Replay, and The Man Who Folded Himself
    Principles of an American Life: Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
    Do you like Janeane Garofalo?
    Should we add a funniest moment to our season wrap up?
    Senators don't become president
    Should we teach Intelligent Design in schools?
    Music by Shayna Zaid

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show:
The Ticket: 55min 02sec
Peter: Television - 6
Joey: Television - 8

The Mommy Problem: 24min 18sec
Peter: Television - 5
Joey: Television - 6

Message of the Week: 16min 28sec
Peter: Television - 6
Joey: Television - 5

Mr Frost: 22min 44sec
Peter: Television - 6
Joey: Television - 3

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Podcast 88: Season 6 wrap up

  Just so we are clear, Joey and I kept at least 3 feet on the floor during the entire podcast. We finally made it through season 6. I think we should get a prize. Oh well, we had some fun talking about it anyway. Thanks to everyone who sent in comments. We cover episodes 21-22 of The West Wing, Season 6.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    Trek West 5 Facebook Group
    Peter's Culture Corner: Enter the Dragon
    Principles of an American Life: Espionage Act of 1917
    Josh Woodward's track Morning Blue

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show as well as Season 6 lists/recaps:
Things Fall Down: 43min 50sec
Peter: Television - 6
Joey: Television - 6

2162 Votes: 35min 26sec
Peter: Television - 6
Joey: Television - 7

Season 6 wrap up: 35min 23sec

Season 6 recaps and lists
Favorite Extra/Bit Part
Peter: Josh's temp secretary
Joey: Cliff Calley

Most Hated Character
Peter & Joey: Kate Harper

Favorite Villain
Peter: Doug Weston
Joey: Speaker of the House Hafley

Hot Chick
Peter & Joey: Helen Santos as played by Teri Polo

Favorite Issue
Peter: The open honesty of politicians
Joey: Education Reform

Top 5 Hated Episodes
  1. Ninety Miles Away
  2. A Good Day
  3. Drought Conditions
  4. 365 Days
  5. Hubbert Peak

  1. Ninety Miles Away
  2. NSF Thurmont
  3. Drought Conditions
  4. 3rd Day Story
  5. Dover Test

Top 5 Favorite Episodes
  1. Liftoff
  2. 3rd Day Story
  3. Freedonia
  4. Wake Up Call

  1. Liftoff
  2. Freedonia
  3. Wake Up Call
  4. Impact Winter
  5. In the Room

Favorite Overall Moment
Peter: President Bartlett completely loosing control of his body
Why won't my legs work?
Joey: Arnie Vinick speech at the Republican National Convention
We don't have to hate each other

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Podcast 87: You suck John Sacret Young

  We had to suffer through the worst episode of the series this week and it is all John Sacret Young's fault. He was the writer of the episode Ninety Miles Away. Turns out he has written some other really bad stuff that we didn't like either. He had no business writing anything for this series because it is clear that he does not understand who these characters were. This podcast covers episodes 17-20 of The West Wing, Season 6.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    MFJM joins us for a little
    Join the TW5 Facebook group
    Joey's Culture Corner: Justice with Michael Sandel
    My Friend Jon Madsen's Culture Corner: The Neverending Story by Michael Ende
    Principles of an American Life: The Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798
    Should we reduce the age of voting?
    What should we do about Stem Cells?
    Drivers License for illegal immigrants
    Ninety Miles Away is a horrible episode
    "Separation of church and state" still not from the Constitution
    Music Intro: Hear Me by Imagine Dragons

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show:
A Good Day: 59min 58sec
Peter: Television - 3
Joey: Television - 6

La Palabra: 23min 09sec
Peter: Television - 4
Joey: Television - 6

Ninety Miles Away: 12min 21sec
Peter: Television - 2
Joey: Television - ????

In God We Trust: 15min 03sec
Peter: Television - 5
Joey: Television - 6

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Podcast 86: From the Sick Bed

  As phoenix rises from the ashes, we have risen from my sick bed to bring you the first podcast of the year. Yeah it probably could have been better, but come on, I was sick. Also, for the rare listener who actually pays attention to our intros, you'll notice we have a new track this week: "Welcome to the Breakdown", the title track from I Fight Dragons' new album. This podcast covers episodes 13-16 of The West Wing, Season 6.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    TrekWest5 has an ipad
    Send in your thoughts of the movie Tron
    Joey's Culture Corner: The Thirteen American Arguments: Enduring Debates That Define and Inspire Our Country
    Ethanol isn't that great
    Lawrence Lessig is smart
    Quality of Life vs. Longevity
    negative attack ads
    Peter thinks Jon Huntsman is great
    Music Intro: I Fight Dragons

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show:
King Corn: 34min 42sec
Peter: Television - 5
Joey: Television - 6

The Wakeup Call: 15min 55sec
Peter: Television - 7
Joey: Television - 5

Freedonia: 20min 38sec
Peter: Television - 7
Joey: Television - 6

Drought Conditions: 19min 46sec
Peter: Television - 4
Joey: Television - 5

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.