Monday, July 25, 2011

Podcast 108: B5 Season 2 wrap up

 Herein is recorded our discussion of Babylon 5 season 2 wrap up for our podcast: Trekwest5. Joey gushes about his favorite episode Comes the Inquisitor and everyone else talks about how much they don't like it. Oh well. We also cover episodes 21-22 of Babylon 5, Season 2.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    Joey's Culture Corner: The Magicians by Lev Grossman
    Facebook Find of the Week: New Listener Carbonite Man- TRON How it should have ended rap
    right work for wrong reasons
    Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
    Why Jack?
    Vorlons are angels
    Music Intro: Hear Me by Imagine Dragons

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show as well as Season 2 lists/recaps:
: 1hr 10min 52sec
Peter: SciFi - 7 Television - 5
Joey: SciFi - 9 Television - 8

The Fall of Night: 35min 56sec
Peter: SciFi - 9 Television - 7
Joey: SciFi - 7 Television - 7

Season 2 wrap up: 31min 26sec

Season 2 recaps and lists
Favorite Extra/Bit Part
Peter: Dwight Shulz
Joey: Sebastian as played by Wayne Alexander

Most Hated Character
Peter: Urza
Joey: Markab Ambassador

Favorite Villain
Peter: Lord Refa
Joey: Londo Mullari

Hot Chick
Peter: Some red head woman with large breasts in Comes the Inquisitor
Joey: Delenn as played by Mira Furlan

Funniest Moment
Peter & Joey: Vir's wish

Top 5 Hated Episodes
  2. The Long Dark
  3. Soul Mates
  4. Knives
  5. Geometry of Shadows

  2. A Spider in the Web
  3. Hunter, Prey
  4. Knives
  5. Geometry of Shadows

Top 5 Favorite Episodes
  1. In the Shadow of Za'haDum
  2. Fall of Night
  3. The Coming of Shadows
  4. The Long Twilight Struggle
  5. Distant Stars

  1. Comes the Inquisitor
  2. In the Shadow of Za'haDum
  3. The Long Twilight Struggle
  4. The Coming of Shadows
  5. And Now for a Word

Favorite Overall Moment
Peter: Vir's Wish
And wave, just like this
Joey: Vir & G'Kar in the elevator
Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead.

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Podcast 107: So long Markab, it seems we hardly knew ye

 As the Narn/Centauri war comes to a close and the Shadow War begins in earnest, let us bid a fond farewell to DiTillio and his horrid reign on Babylon 5. We shall never have to feast on his episodes again. We cover episodes 13-16 of Babylon 5, Season 2.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    Joey's Culture Corner: City at the End of Time by Greg Bear
    Facebook Find of the Week: Listener Moneybags - The Real Ghostbusters
    Joey needed a nap
    Peter has a torn hamstring
    Joey and Peter hate baseball
    Isn't murder and killing the same thing when it happens in a duel?
    Everyone in the universe speaks English
    Music by Shayna Zaid

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show:
Knives: 36min 54sec
Peter: SciFi - 5 Television - 4
Joey: SciFi - 6 Television - 3

Confessions and Lamentations: 15min 41sec
Peter: SciFi - 5 Television - 4
Joey: SciFi - 7 Television - 5

Divided Loyalties: 34min 30sec
Peter: SciFi - 7 Television - 4
Joey: SciFi - 7 Television - 6

The Long, Twilight Struggle: 36min 05sec
Peter: SciFi - 8 Television - 7
Joey: SciFi - 10 Television - 9

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Podcast 106: Joey Comes Unprepared

 Joey didn't bother to properly prepare for this podcast. So I had to carry everything for this podcast. As far as I can tell he must not really like these episodes. Or he was sick and too busy to take notes. You choose what you want to believe. We cover episodes 13-16 of Babylon 5, Season 2.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    Joey's Culture Corner: Minecraft
    Facebook Find of the Week: Listener Bob - Babylon 5 action figures
    What the hell are methane bathrooms?
    When is it ok to lie?
    Does anything go in war?
    Lennir quote of the week: "I will retain honor by saving face for you."
    Subliminal messages just another form of foreshadowing - the Psi-Corp is your friend
    Music Intro: I Fight Dragons

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show:
Hunter, Prey: 56min 32sec
Peter: SciFi - 6 Television - 4
Joey: SciFi - 6 Television - 3

There all the Honor Lies: 38min 45sec
Peter: SciFi - 7 Television - 5
Joey: SciFi - 7 Television - 5

And Now for a Word: 26min 42sec
Peter: SciFi - 5 Television - 7
Joey: SciFi - 6 Television - 8

In the Shadow of Za'ha'Dum: 36min 46sec
Peter: SciFi - 8 Television - 6
Joey: SciFi - 9 Television - 8

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Podcast 105: Ditillio Strikes Again

 Happy 4th of July! We took a big kick in the teeth this week from another Larry Ditillio episode: GROPOS. It was horrible. But TW5 is proud to present our newest listener nickname: Brainy Smurf. We cover episodes 9-12 of Babylon 5, Season 2.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    We discuss The Book of Mormon musical as requested by Listener Brainy Smurf
    Bureau 13 vs Section 31 as presented by Listener Fishhead
    Joey's Culture Corner: Lord of the Rings Extended Edition
    Facebook Find of the Week: Listener Si - Scale of the Universe
    The better man is the one who apologizes first
    Should Witley Streiber be brought on TW5?
    Why are there no non-lethal law enforcement in 2259?
    Paul Williams on The Muppets Show
    Josh Woodward's track Morning Blue

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show:
The Coming of Shadows: 1hr min sec
Peter: SciFi - 6 Television - 6
Joey: SciFi - 6 Television - 8

GROPOS: min sec
Peter: SciFi - 1 Television - 1
Joey: SciFi - 1 Television - 0

All Alone in the Night: min sec
Peter: SciFi - 7 Television - 6
Joey: SciFi - 6 Television - 6

Acts of Sacrifice: min sec
Peter: SciFi - 4 Television - 3
Joey: SciFi - 8 Television - 5

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.