Monday, April 2, 2012

Podcast 130: The Santa Salute

 While we'd like to salute all of you who sent in comments this week, we'll probably just go with a hearty "Thanks!" instead of the Santa Salute. We cover episodes 9-12 of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    Joey's Culture Corner: The Tripods by John Christopher
    Facebook Find of the Week: Listener Carbonite Man - Existential Crisis and Dragons
    Kids in the hall video link provided by MFJM
    Joey was rejected by the CIA
    The story of the weekend Joey proposed to his wife
    The 48 Laws of Power
    Music Intro: I Fight Dragons

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show:
The Option Period: 47min 12sec
Peter: Television - 6
Joey: Television - 7

B-12: 16min 37sec
Peter: Television - 7
Joey: Television - 8

The Christmas Show: 29min 27sec
Peter: Television - 7
Joey: Television - 6

Monday: 28min 39sec
Peter: Television - 7
Joey: Television - 7

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.

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