Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
Joey's Culture Corner: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Facebook Find of the Week: Listener Brainy Smurf - Silence and the Weeping Angels
Top 5 Favorite original NES video games
Pete likes to watch
Giggle fits
Music Intro: I Fight Dragons
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Here are the Season Two lists/recaps: Here is the rating that we gave for the episode in Podcast 166: 2hr 29min 21sec:
Lay Down Your Burden's pt1
Peter: Television - 7 SciFi - 7
Joey: Television - 7 SciFi - 7
Lay Down Your Burden's pt2
Peter: Television - 9 SciFi - 9
Joey: Television - 9 SciFi - 8
Series recaps and lists
Favorite Extra/Bit Part
Peter: Billy
Joey: Brother Cavil
Most Hated Character
Peter: Starbuck
Joey: Colonel Fisk
Hot Chick
Peter & Joey: Kandyse McClure as Dee
Favorite Villain
Peter: Admiral Cain
Joey: Deanna
Funniest Moment
Peter: Anything Doc Cottle does
Joey: Head 6 leaning on Zerrick
Top Hated Episodes
- Sacrifice
- Scar
- Black Market
- Downloaded
- Sacrifice
- Scar
- Black Market
- Valley of Darkness
Top Favorite Episodes
- Pegasus
- Resurrection Ship
- Home pt2
- Lay Down Your Burdens pt2
- Final Cut
- Downloaded
- Home pt2
- Lay Down Your Burdens
- Resurrection Ship pt2
- Resurrection Ship pt1
Favorite Overall Moment
Peter: Gina killing Admiral Cain
Joey: 6 Waking up and seeing Head Gaius
If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.