Monday, December 28, 2009

Podcast 47: What were we thinking?

Direct MP3 DownloadComing to you from the secret bunker, we bring you our final discussion of Star Trek the Next Generation season 7. Note to future self: don't try to record a podcast the week of Christmas, especially if it is a season ending podcast. Joey and I were able to get it done, but it took a lot out of us. Special thanks to Joey's wife for allowing us to do this. This podcast covers the final episode, All Good Things, of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 7.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    Peter is going to be cranky when he gets old
    Joey is going to be "one of those" college students
    Honor & Loyalty vs. Rules & Regulations
    Peter's head almost explodes over time paradox's
    Zeno's paradoxes
    You can't handle the non-linear!
    Star Trek the Next Generation Season 7 wrap up
    I Fight Dragons
    JC Hutchins 7th Son Novel

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show as well as Season 7 lists/recaps:
All Good Things: 1hr 12min 29sec
Peter: SciFi - 10 Television - 6
Joey: SciFi - 10 Television - 7

Season 7 wrap up: 26min 33sec

Season 7 recaps and lists
Favorite Extra/Bit Part
Peter: K'mtar from the episode Firstborn
Joey: Admiral Pressman from the episode The Pegasus

Most Hated Character
Peter: Dr. Crusher pretending to orgasm in Sub Rosa
Joey: Ronan in Sub Rosa

Hot Chick
Peter & Joey: Ensign Sito as portrayed by Shannon Fill in the episode Lower Decks

Favorite Villain
Peter: Admiral Pressman from the episode The Pegasus
Joey: Serova from the episode Force of Nature

Favorite New Concept
Peter: The idea that Ensign Ro is no longer in Starfleet or the Federation
Joey: Interphasic Cloaking technology

Top 5 Hated Episodes
  1. Sub Rosa
  2. Preemptive Strike
  3. Bloodlines
  4. Force of Nature
  5. Interface

  1. Sub Rosa
  2. Eye of the Beholder
  3. Force of Nature
  4. Preemptive Strike
  5. Genesis

Top 5 Favorite Episodes
  1. All Good Things
  2. Lower Decks
  3. Dark Page
  4. Masks
  5. The Pegasus

  1. All Good Things
  2. Lower Decks
  3. Emergence
  4. Parallels
  5. Thine Own Self

Favorite Overall Moment
Peter: Dark Page: Luaxana Troi having to relive the death of her first child
Don't play in the water

Joey: All Good Things: Q challenging Picard to become more
For that one moment...

Honorable Mention: Lower Decks: Picard announcing the death of ensign Sito
It is my sad duty...

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Podcast Christmas Special 2009

Direct MP3 DownloadJoey & I wanted to do something special for Christmas, a tradition we hope to continue for as long as we do this podcast. So he decided that for our inaugural year we would watch A Christmas Carol as presented by TNT in 1999. We assumed that since it had Patrick Stewart playing the title role of Ebeneezer Scrooge that it was sure to be something special. Boy were we wrong about that. It was hammy, disjointed, and frankly 1 piston short of a 4 stroke engine. Well I guess it wasn't completely terrible because there were a few good scenes and it did prompt some good discussion between Joey and I. But for the most part you all can skip watching it.

On a side note, we want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. We hope that regardless of whatever religion you believe in that this time of year is happy and joyous. Thanks for listening.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    Joey & Peter admit to siding with Scrooge
    Objectivism vs. Scroogism
    Tonight the part of the Ghost of Christmas Past will be played by Liberace
    Peter doesn't want to die alone
    So do you have a crippled son?
    Made for TV movies are exactly what you think they are
    I Fight Dragons
    JC Hutchins 7th Son Novel

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If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Podcast 46: Ro, Ro, Ro the spy, traitor to Starfleet

Direct MP3 DownloadWell the good news is that we won't be seeing Ensign Ro Larin in any more episodes of TNG. It's just sad that we had to wait until almost the end of the series before it happened. Listener Jim joins us for the second time and does a great job at helping us to find something worthwhile to talk about for these rather lackluster episodes. This podcast covers episodes 21-24 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 7.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    Listener Jim The Noahide
    Would you kill Hitler as a baby?
    Peter is the Smith family Gin'tak
    Captain Picard, you are not the father
    Really lame Ensign Ro episode
    Put your people in the right spot
    Is a preemptive strike ever ok?
    Merry Christmas everyone
    I Fight Dragons
    JC Hutchins 7th Son Novel

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show:
Firstborn: 49min 34sec
Peter: SciFi - 6 Television - 3
Joey: SciFi - 8 Television - 7
Jim: SciFi - 7 Television - 5

Bloodlines: 18min 38sec
Peter: SciFi - 2 Television - 3
Joey: SciFi - 3 Television - 2
Jim: SciFi - 1 Television - 1

Emergence: 29min 43sec
Peter: SciFi - 8 Television - 4
Joey: SciFi - 8 Television - 5
Jim: SciFi - 3 Television - 4

Preemptive Strike: 43min 37sec
Peter: SciFi - 2 Television - 3
Joey: SciFi - 1 Television - 3
Jim: SciFi - 5 Television - 3

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Podcast 45: Dances with Wesley

Direct MP3 DownloadAmide a tide of fairly lame episodes we send a fond farewell to Wesley Crusher in this weeks Star Trek the Next Generation Trek West 5 podcast. He provided several opportunities for us to mock him. All the way from "we're from starfleet; we don't lie" to "Maybe I am sick of following rules and regulations!" And as much as I liked to make fun of Wesley, he was an important part of this series. Good luck in your inter-planar travels Wesley. This podcast covers episodes 17-20 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 7.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    Why aren't people more paranoid about security?
    Brent Spiner is great wearing many masks
    Best pick up line ever: I too have sought visions in fire
    Joey gives me permission to date his wife. So Dede, what are you doing next weekend?
    Worf & Troi shouldn't make out
    Why can't we just leave the Native Americans alone?
    Religion & Government
    Improve yourself to better society
    What is sacred to you?
    Farewell Wesley Crusher - may your sweaters always be ugly
    I Fight Dragons concert tour
    JC Hutchins 7th Son Novel

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show:
Masks: 29min 16sec
Peter: SciFi - 7 Television - 4
Joey: SciFi - 7 Television - 4

Eye of the Beholder: 27min 20sec
Peter: SciFi - 3 Television - 2
Joey: SciFi - 4 Television - 1

Genesis: 19min 44sec
Peter: SciFi - 4 Television - 3
Joey: SciFi - 6 Television - 3

Journey's End: 53min 26sec
Peter: SciFi - 4 Television - 4
Joey: SciFi - 4 Television - 2

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Podcast 44: So gross

Direct MP3 DownloadThere isn't enough soap in the world for me to ever feel clean again after having to watch the episode Sub Rosa. Having Dr. Crusher get intimately involved with what is essentially a ghost that has been intimate with all of her former female relatives was just disturbing. Shame on you Jeanna F. Gallo. And don't miss Listener Jim's longest comment yet! This podcast covers episodes 13-16 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 7.

Various topics discussed in this podcast include:
    Peter Nash Day entries and winners: 1st prize Preston, runner up: Skylar and Anne
    Celebrating Carl Sagan
    Prime Directive controversy, Zeroth law
    Sub Rosa is a bad episode and everyone involved with it should be ashamed
    Would you help your racial enemy?
    Will you order someone to die?
    Troi should NOT be a commander!
    I Fight Dragons concert tour
    JC Hutchins 7th Son Novel

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Here are the ratings that we gave for each show:
Homeward: 1hr 5min 30sec
Peter: SciFi - 4 Television - 4
Joey: SciFi - 6 Television - 3

Sub Rosa: 16min 41sec
Peter: SciFi - 3 Television - 1
Joey: SciFi - 3 Television - 1

Lower Decks: 39min 41sec
Peter: SciFi - 7 Television - 7
Joey: SciFi - 3 Television - 3

Thine Own Self: 25min 19sec
Peter: SciFi - 6 Television - 5
Joey: SciFi - 7 Television - 5

If you have something to say then we welcome your comments below, or feel free to email us at, twitter us at hashtag TrekWest5, or leave us a voicemail at 801-788-4913.